Thursday, February 12, 2009

Totally cool stuff.

A few good things happening to me.
1) I got 19.5/25 for geography test :) :D :P :X !!!
2) I tried to do all my homework religiously this few days!!! 
3) I did valentines day card for a few people and know that they'll appreciate.
4) I tag on Calvin low's blog. (help he promote lah.) -->
His URL quite creative sia sia sia. I LOVE CALVIN LOW YEW TONG!!!
5) I didn't get caught or scolded when all my school socks were washing and I had to wear a pink ankle socks to school!!
6) I'm going to buy V day present for Clifton, birthday present for Eugene and probably I'll buy for ning ning, cheng cheng and qi qi if i got the money. (SHOW ME THE MONEY!!! $.$)

A few bad things happening to me :(
1) I got 10/27 for my mensuration test.(MATHS LAH)
Okay, can't think of anymore.


Today, there was school as usual.(haiish) I did my physics homework leh!!!! :) Okay, then P.E. got to enjoy aircon. Then got geography, Mrs Lee so scary. Don't know what she thinking all the time so she seems like she's gonna pounce on you any moment. Then got chinese and Luan Lao Shi agrees that I'm very clever when I told her its very rare to have such a clever student like me in her class. Then is recess so fun. Every recess like watching free movie like that. Even though I spent more than I planned. WANTED TO SAVE ONE LOR! Then is maths, Mr L so funny every day besides when he's angry and the marker ink kena his shirt than he said the four letter word. Is love lah what you thinking. okay. Then is SFL. Finally come to the main point!!! Haha. We had this sexuality talk (so nice for what. Sex talk lah.) Then got this three instructor and facilitators. And One was indian woman, one was indian/malay man and lastly, Glenn was there too. I know why I say until like he's my friend but still. He's from church that one. I never talk to him before that one. But he look very pretty boy that one. Ya! The Felicia(?) brother that one!!! How you know sia? Okay, then I didn't dare to say hi to him cause i don't know him so i just keep avoiding his gaze. (wahh gaze leh). And the weird thing is the indian woman (instructor) was saying these penis and vagina stuff and it was so embarrassing with guys around like so weird right? YA! Aiya, maybe cause I know him but i don't know him. HAHA. Okay.

Okay lastly, Its 7.02pm and i don't know whether I want to watch show anot i think i just go and die. I mean bathe cause i'm icky and sweaty AGAIN. After my sleep without fan or aircon :D. After i bathe, I'm going to wear my oh so cute dress pj with piyo's photo on it. And its new year pj so its new so fun and cool can't wait to wear it sia la. Then I'm gonna check if i got somemore homework. Oh i remember one is to paste the newspaper cutting to the jian bao book! Okay lah i go and see. Then if got homework do homework, if don't have then i pack my bag for tomorrow, do quiet time, do somemore v day's card, go rob a bank, wash up, watch nine o clock show, 未來不是夢. (Don't know why is fan ti zhi but don't care.) And then i'll probably go and sleep early cause i don't want any eyebags or else must carry very heavy. LAME LA. Why can't we have teabags? STOP IT LAH EUNICE TWL. Okay. Then hor. Tomorrow got school again and T.G.I.F!!!! F.Y.I, if you don't know what's T.G.I.F, Its thank god its friday. And if you don't know what's F.Y.I, its for your info. So cool right. Okay see ya buhbye.\

Pictures of piyo but look a bit like only cause my pj's piyo's forehead not so high.

Video of 25 minutes!! :)

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