Thursday, March 5, 2009

Its raining and I have cough, SORE THROAT and headache and I feel like dying after going to the old folks’ home and I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I want to sleep cause my brain is hurting like crap and I’ve been saying so much vulgarities nowadays. Maybe that’s why I have sore throat. I’ve been drinking bloody bitter tea and eat sour plums like 1000000000 times but it is still hurting like crap. I still have 4 to 5 pages of research to do but now, I cannot even type properly liao le. L sad sad sob sob. I don’t feel like going school tomorrow and tuition cause tuition is damn it boring with kellie(?) cause she’s like mute and only talks to teacher. I also haven’t complete my tuition homework and I’m so gonna die LLLLLL Okay, I think I’ll upload some photos and maybe videos if blogger allows L TODAY IS SUCHA SAD DAY LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

UUUUUEEEEEEJ if you understand what this mean :)


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